“An exploration of
human sensory
processing, perception,
and brain rewiring
theory through a
collection of interfaces
that creatively
speculate on and
critique the future of
human sensory and
“A showcase of
sensory enhancement
wearable interfaces
that address the current
‘Air-pocalypse’ in
which the changing
environment has
been greatly impacted
by our evolving
technology and
modern way of life”
Abstract —
The human sensory system is a powerfully designed barrier between our body and the surrounding environment. It helps detect and distinguish good from bad environment in order for the body to survive. It is undeniable that alongside our evolution and technology, we have equally changed our way of life as much as our surrounding environment. Our survival needs must change to help us adapt to the inevitable environment, such as air pollution.
The process of adaptation to this changing environment might not be fast enough for all to survive. With this concern in mind, Sensorial Artifacts showcases sensory enhancement wearable interfaces in the context of airapocalyps situations by making the air toxicity more tangible to wearers.
The aim is to tap into the apathy of people around this critical topic and perhaps make them aware of the looming catastrophe.
The process of adaptation to this changing environment might not be fast enough for all to survive. With this concern in mind, Sensorial Artifacts showcases sensory enhancement wearable interfaces in the context of airapocalyps situations by making the air toxicity more tangible to wearers.
The aim is to tap into the apathy of people around this critical topic and perhaps make them aware of the looming catastrophe.
In any critical situation, to evacuate, there’re two things one need to know. One – know that it is happening. Two – know the direction to go (escape).
Based on these two crucial point, How may I apply sensorial interface to get the necessitated data onto the body?
Artifact 01: Alarm
How does our body alarm us of ‘unhealthy’
intake or dangerous situation?
What do we feel when that happen?
How does our body alarm us of ‘unhealthy’
intake or dangerous situation?
What do we feel when that happen?
One of our body methods of telling us if something is bad is by making our body reacted in anxious or suspense. In cinemetics, sound design is used vastly to help created the ‘suspense’ environment along with the viusual to ‘alarm’ the audience of what’s coming next.
By providing vibrating feedback through bone conduction technology, artifact 01 is creating experience as if ones could feel their trembling heart beats with the rising index of air quaility.
Artifact 02: Navigate
How can we escape our way when we are trapped by the air? Which way do we go?
Can we use the Air Quality data as
our compass of cleaner air?
How can we escape our way when we are trapped by the air? Which way do we go?
Can we use the Air Quality data as
our compass of cleaner air?
An inflating interfaces which directionally guides wearer to an ultimate route based on surrounding air quality index, creating a tangible experience of air toxicity.
pressing air — toxicity
The metaphoric of being caged or chained by your breathing air while also being navigated to evacuated from it is what I want to convey through this artifact. The function of this peice as a neck collar is telling a story of being captive.
The symbolic has been repetitively used in many feature films like Battle Royale or the more recent Deadpool. Another key visual that represent a captivity and confinement is Asylum’s belted straightjacket. By extracting these key elements, they are used in development of this form.