
Experimental Typographic System

Pam Virada ︎

‘Evolving Objects’ is an experimental typpographic system collaborately created during an abroad semester at Ewha Womans University.

It was inspired by the idea of the two opposites; light and shadow, in which are separable from each other. By combining the two elements together, the light acts as an aid, radiating across objects and casting shadow on it, therefore making the message complete.

As for foreigners, the objects become representations of the fragmented memories brought from home and the fresh memories cultivated while we were in South Korea.

The typeface that create the language in which
— only belongs to us who allienated in this foreign place.

The Alphabets from Light and Shadow —
By shining light on various arrangement of our belongings and collection of found objects, alphabets appeared. 

T / E

H / R

S / D

— Digitalized light and shadow creating an encripted joint messages from the typographic elements.

/ communication design / brand design / visual graphic / motion graphic / experience design / interaction design / data visualisation / design for social good / • 

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